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Survey on the Direction of Online Media

SIS International

SIS International was invited to attend the 2008 PR Week / PR Newswire Media at McKinsey & Company’s headquarters in New York on June 05, 2008. Speakers included renowned media heavyweights who spoke about the impact of online media on print media and the future of advertising, based on a survey of 1,231 people in magazine, radio, newspaper, blog and television media.

Survey sample:

  • 1,231 people in magazine, radio, newspaper, blog and television media.


  • Jon Fine, Media Columnist & Blogger, Business Week
  • Ronn Torossian, President of 5W Public Relations
  • Rachel Sklar, Media/ETP Editor, The Huffington Post
  • Dave Armon, PR Newswire’s President
  • Julia Hood, PR Week’s Publishing Director

Several insights from the conference:

  • Reporters are using bloggers for research of a story or phenomenon. Research is mostly for “sentiment” and not for factual evidence. According to the survey 73% of respondents use blogs in their research; 19% of respondents never use blogs.
  • There is an adverse relationship between Bloggers and PR representatives. The speakers noted that they often receive dozens of pitches on a daily basis.
  • One PR representative noted that he will only correct a blogger in the blogosphere who has printed an inflammatory story if the blog article contains factual information in it.
  • The most important aspect of respondents’ work is making their content interesting to viewers
  • Media professionals are working harder than ever and becoming more aware of the commercial aspect of online media

A few insights from the speakers:

  • Print media will decline, but will not die because it is a portable and useful medium that can withstand the test of time.
  • PR people must provide useful information to bloggers for them to follow a story
  • Blogging is increasingly important in media.
    • Stories are published on blogs often before they reach newspapers and television media.
  • Technorati is one of the most useful ways to measure conversions and success for blog media.
  • Become a “niche” blogger and avoid becoming a generalist