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Wal-Mart’s Green Movements

SIS International

The Consumer Goods sector is being driven to cost efficiencies by Wal-Mart through the company’s recent greener moves. Wal-Mart will be soon forcing all its suppliers to monitor and manage carbon emissions. The company will sell only concentrated laundry detergents in all its stores by May 2008, thus saving 400 million gallons of water, 95 million pounds of plastic resin and 125 million pounds of cardboard. Wal-Mart had experimented this with Unilever first. Unilever has been estimated to save about 5 million pounds of plastic, 26.3 million square feet of cardboard and 25,000 gallons of diesel fuel through the introduction of Small & Mighty in the past 2 years. Developing markets are showing greater preference for anti-ageing, moisturizing, and whitening creams.

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