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Male Personal Care Product Market Update

SIS International

Male personal care products are the fastest growing segment in skin care. Proctor & Gamble’s grooming segment which includes male products like blades, razors, and shave preparation products, generated revenue of $2 billion in Q307. Estee Lauder recently launched Aveda Men pure-Formance products in US Market. Henkel’s “taft elastic gel” styling products for male have been increasing its market share of overall cosmetics segment in Europe. The Male Cosmetic industry in Latin America registered $3 billion in sales in 2006 and is gradually rising, driven by strong demand in Brazil which accounts for 47% of regional consumption.

Info Americas has estimated that the male cosmetics market in Latin America will reach annual sales of $6.7 billion in 2015, taking into account the current annual growth rate of 9%. Market Research Firm Kline has reported that Canada, France and Italy experienced a growth rate of 41.5%, 21.5% and 19.3% in sales of male skin care products in 2006. Kline also noted that the Global Male cosmetic segment reported 8.7% growth in 2006.

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