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Market Research in Papua New Guinea

Market Research in Papua New Guinea

The capital of Papua New Guinea is Moresby.

It is also the largest city. Moresby is on the eastern shore of the Port Moresby Harbour of the Gulf of Papua. With its large population, Moresby has one of the highest crime rates. Violence and abuse of women are rising in that. The men see nothing wrong with the fact and women suffer as a consequence.

Lae is the second-largest city of PNG and the capital of Morobe Province. This city has self-proclaimed its markets to be the best. Papua New Guineans seek out its produce. It exports timber, plywood, and coffee, and its tourist sites include a war cemetery and botanical gardens.

Mount Hagen is the third-largest city in PNG. It is the capital of Western Highlands Province. In past years this was a calm and serene place to visit with culture and tradition spread everywhere. But the introduction of guns has replaced the traditional bows of its past people. It has also interrupted the peace. Although having a market, it’s not easy to find ancestral pieces. This city makes money from mining, coffee, and growing high altitude crops.


Social media is the largest trend in PNG. E-commerce has been on a steady rise in Papua New Guinea, and almost more than three quarters of the population engages in communication via social media. The primary app used is Facebook. This rising interest in e-commerce creates opportunities for digital marketers.

Benefits and Strengths in the Market

Papua New Guinea benefits from two major sectors of its market. The first is agriculture, also taking forestry and fishing into account. These engage most of the PNG’s labor force and drive to employ some of the population.

The ore and energy extraction sectors also contribute to the GDP. These sectors account for the majority of export earnings.

Consumer Base

The Papua New Guinea consumers are loyal and show support to brands they know and trust. The customer base is also large. Customers are more ready to buy products based on their pricing. Retailers rely on Moresby and, to a lesser extent, Lae. The rest of the country buys products according to their accessibility. These products also have to be available and affordable for these consumers. Most businesses use radio as the primary medium for reaching their customers.

Papua New Guinea – a Growth Area in Southeast Asia?

Papua New Guinea is not a gateway to the ASEAN. PNG has only, since 1976, served as an observer to the ASEAN. Papua New Guinea has tried for many years to become the 11th member of the ASEAN but with no luck. A slew of crime and violence in many areas of the country is a leading contributor to this. Another obstacle is the country’s geographical location. Most consider PNG to be outside Southeast Asia. Thus, it is ineligible for membership.

The Rule of Law

Papua New Guinea is a rule of law country, but these laws are neither followed nor enforced. The legal system protects and facilitates the acquisition and disposition of property. Yet, there are massive delays in the transferral of land. More than three-quarters of landholders do not have a legal title to their property.

Opportunities and Challenges

Large corporations and businesses are procuring licenses to engage in extractive industries. They end up upsetting the lives of the people living in mineral-rich areas. Many of these corporations have evicted people from their own homes to make space for these industries.

Although the country is rich in resources, its people live in poverty. Many face malnutrition. The people live with minimal access to quality healthcare services and education. The civil society activists themselves are not able to influence Government policy. The judicial system should be an independent body without Government interference. In practice, it is not.

About Market Research in Papua New Guinea

SIS International conducts Qualitative, Quantitative, and Strategy Research in Papua New Guinea. Methods include Focus Groups, Data Analytics, and SWOT Analyses. Contact us now! We can schedule a consultation for your business.

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