Market research is a key tool for companies aiming to expand their reach and understand consumer behavior. With a population of 1.4 billion and a rapidly developing economy, China presents immense potential for companies seeking new market opportunities.
The Chinese market research landscape is marked by a strong preference for the consumer goods, automotive, healthcare, and technology sectors. The market research sector is on the verge of considerable growth, offering several attractive prospects for organizations interested in gaining advanced insights to establish a competitive advantage in the marketplace.
Furthermore, China’s market research landscape is distinctively shaped by a mix of conventional and digital research methodologies. While traditional techniques such as focus groups and in-depth interviews remain dominant, the popularity of digital tools such as online surveys and mobile research apps is on the rise. This trend is especially evident in urban areas, where access to technology is greater and consumers are more receptive to modern research approaches.
You may be thinking about doing business in China. With over 1.3 billion people, China is the world’s second-largest economy. その市場で成功するために必要な情報を得ることは非常に重要です。
Secondary sources about markets and companies or government census data are more difficult for foreigners to access in China. Even if found, much of the data may not be reliable or properly collected.
It should be clear that to obtain more accurate and up-to-date information, it is quite important to find a market research firm in China that has a physical presence there (preferably in regions of interest to you). Such a company should have several years of experience, a multilingual and multicultural staff, knowledge about your industry, good references, and reasonable pricing.
Because of its enormous size, the best way to obtain representative quantitative data in China is probably via phone surveys. After that, qualitative techniques such as personal interviews and focus groups can complement the survey and probe for deeper insights into attitudes, perceptions, usage, and other behaviors.
大きな課題の 1 つは、回答者に連絡するために使用するリストまたはソースを特定することです。
Working with a single entity should provide consistent quality and control over any market research project. It also reduces the number of instances when communication and language barriers can jeopardize a project.
In the past 25 years or so, China has grown significantly as a global economy and market. Products are not just made there to be sold abroad, but increasing numbers are being imported. This has propelled the need for market research not only about consumers but B2B buyers and decision-makers as well. Because of its relative newness, respondents may be uncomfortable with or unsure about how to answer surveys and interviews. If someone says “yes” or “no”, it might not mean either; a nod might mean “I agree” but equally could indicate “I understand what you are saying”!
The meaning of many product features may be quite different and even offensive in China. It is important to understand that an awkward translation of a brand name or advertising slogan can result in rejection or lost sales. Likewise, the improper use of colors, images, and even numbers associated with a product can spell success or failure.
Concepts of family, respect for the elderly, trust, dependability, and other aspects of a relationship impact how business is conducted and how goods and services may be perceived.
法的制約は、消費者向けと B2B 市場の両方において、一部の製品の販売と使用に影響を及ぼす可能性があります。
Rules and regulations also impact logistics and distribution into, out of, and within China. Conducting business there requires a local presence and networking with the proper officials.
Most significantly, Eastern and Western views may be radically different and create unforeseen problems if not identified early with the use of a market research or consulting firm familiar with all of these issues. If not already evident, it makes good sense to hire an interpreter who is fluent in the local dialect. The last thing you want to do is draw an incorrect conclusion based on a miscommunication of words or gestures.
China is the world’s second-largest economy, with an emerging middle class, booming luxury goods and e-commerce sector, and large manufacturing base. Below are some of the market trends happening now.
- 企業は消費者の嗜好、態度、行動に関する貴重な洞察を得ることができ、中国人の厳しいニーズを満たす製品やサービスを開発できるようになります。
- 中国での市場調査により、企業は新たなトレンド、消費者行動の変化、そして収益に影響を与える可能性のある潜在的なゲームチェンジャーを特定できます。適切なデータと洞察を活用すれば、企業は情報に基づいた意思決定を行い、競争の激しい中国市場で成功することができます。
- Creating successful marketing strategies requires a solid understanding of consumer behavior and market trends in China. Companies must conduct market research to gain in-depth insights into the most effective means of reaching the target audience and to identify the most effective marketing channels in the Chinese market.
- Assessing the competitive environment is crucial for companies operating in China, a fiercely competitive market dominated by a variety of domestic and international players. Through comprehensive market research, entrepreneurs can better grasp their competitors’ strengths and limitations and devise strategies to distinguish themselves in the marketplace.
- 中国で市場調査を行うには、その国の言語と習慣に関する深い知識が必要であり、企業にとってこれは大きな障害となる可能性があります。文化の違いや言語の壁の複雑さにより、調査結果の正確性と信頼性が著しく損なわれる可能性があります。
- 中国では、規制環境が複雑で、不正なデータ慣行が蔓延しているため、信頼できるデータを収集することは困難な作業です。
- The challenges associated with obtaining a representative sample for research studies in China are exacerbated by the country’s vast and heterogeneous population. As such, sampling poses a tremendous challenge that must be addressed with precision and care to ensure the credibility and validity of the research results.
- 中国は目覚ましい技術進歩を遂げているにもかかわらず、農村部では依然としてその恩恵を受ける機会が限られています。このため、こうした地域での研究は困難を極め、得られる研究結果の信頼性が損なわれる可能性があります。
- Companies must have a thorough understanding of the regulations and guidelines to ensure compliance and mitigate potential liabilities. Keeping abreast of the evolving regulatory landscape is an absolute must-practice for companies striving to achieve seamless compliance and minimize risk exposure.
The Future Outlook for Market Research in China
- 中国におけるテクノロジーの急速な発展により、同国は世界のテクノロジー分野で強力な勢力としての地位を確立しました。これには、データ収集のためのデジタルおよびモバイル テクノロジーの活用、最先端の人工知能およびビッグ データ分析の導入が含まれ、研究の洞察をより正確かつ深く精査し、解読するのに役立ちます。
- Given the growth of China’s middle class and increased consumer spending, companies are expected to continue emphasizing consumer insight. This includes acquiring a thorough understanding of consumer preferences, behaviors, and buying patterns to gain and maintain a competitive advantage.
- Safeguarding data privacy and security has emerged as a critical concern in China. To maintain compliance, organizations must adhere to the local statutes and protocols pertaining to data protection and privacy.
- 消費者が社会や環境への意識をますます重視するようになるにつれ、企業はこうした傾向を理解し、それを市場調査の取り組みに組み込む取り組みを強化する必要があります。責任ある慣行を重視することは、競争力を維持し、良心的な消費者の変化する要求に応える上で非常に重要です。
- As first-tier cities such as Beijing and Shanghai reach a point of market saturation, there is a growing recognition of the emerging importance of second-and third-tier cities in China. These geographic regions have become increasingly attractive to businesses due to their untapped growth potential and the opportunity to gain valuable insights into consumer behavior. As such, there is a shift towards a more strategic focus on these areas as businesses seek to capitalize on the opportunities that they present.
SIS International Research は、定性的なフィールドワーク、定量的なデータ収集、戦略リサーチ ソリューションの提供において 40 年以上の経験を持つ、大手の市場調査および戦略リサーチ会社です。SIS International は、定量的、定性的、および戦略的なリサーチを提供しています。当社は、意思決定のためのデータ、ツール、戦略、レポート、および洞察を提供します。当社は、インタビュー、アンケート、フォーカス グループ、およびその他の多くの市場調査方法とアプローチを実施しています。次の市場調査プロジェクトについては、当社にお問い合わせください。
- 新製品コンセプト研究
- ロイヤルティとセグメンテーションの調査
- 広告の調査とテスト
- フォーカスグループと顧客インタビュー
- 調査とデータ収集
- 競合分析
- ブランディングの洞察
- 市場参入と機会調査
- 戦略的リポジショニング研究
- 民族誌学
- 市場評価
- 調査
Our key points of differentiation include high-quality project management, extensive experience in China, cost competitiveness, and strong reputation.