Every day, new technologies, consumer behaviors, and regulatory frameworks reshape how money moves, how businesses scale, and how people interact with financial services. If you’re not staying ahead of these changes, you’re already behind.
At SIS International Research, we don’t just track trends—we decode them. We work with fintech disruptors, legacy institutions, and everyone in between to provide roadmaps for winning the future of finance.
Why Fintech Market Research Matters
The fintech industry is fueled by disruption and innovation. Now, to succeed, you need more than just great ideas—you need precision, strategy, and deep market insights.
Spot opportunities before they go mainstream. The next big thing in fintech? It’s already happening. Market research helps you identify emerging technologies, shifting consumer expectations, and high-growth markets 前 your competitors do.
Decode your customers. Customers today want seamless, personalized, and instant financial solutions. Research reveals exactly what they need and how you can deliver it better than anyone else.
Navigate regulation like a pro. Fintech is a regulatory minefield. Market intelligence helps you stay compliant while scaling your business without roadblocks.
Fintech Market Research Trends in Detail:
- 由于微服务具有保持服务更具竞争力、相关性、需求性和高度响应市场变化的潜力,因此微服务的采用正在不断增加。
- 金融机构正专注于为其金融科技应用程序采用现代化的 IT 架构,以加快产品发布、简化合规性、实现即时支付并最大限度地提高灵活性。
- Fintech companies and banks are tapping into the benefits of microservices as they realize the difficulty of modifying their digital services with a legacy system.
- 增强可扩展性 – reduced costs and low-security risks
- 更好的可重用性 - 微服务通过构建可组合的模块化服务来支持可重用性。
- 更快上市 - 由于微服务的模块化特性,它可以加快开发速度。
- 简化调试和维护
- 复原力 - 由于微服务涉及独立的小模块,因此单个微服务的故障不会影响整个应用程序。
- 高品质 - 微服务有利于集中模块工作。这有助于提高应用程序的整体质量。
Fintech technologies are a desirable solution for many traditional lending companies looking to leverage advanced business functionalities and financial processes. Many Fintech startups are looking forward to selling their technology platforms as a service to corporations in the field. These FaaS platforms integrate seamlessly with any existing back-office of traditional banks and provide for non-banks a cost-effective and fast way to launch various financial products and services.
- SaaS 模式已成为市场上最流行、最有效的解决方案之一。各行各业的客户和企业都看到了这一解决方案在增加收入和稳定性方面的潜力。
- 当今蓬勃发展、科技前沿的企业界与传统金融系统之间存在差距。金融科技即服务(Fintech-as-a-Service)是一个完美的解决方案,可以帮助金融业缩小差距,并利用技术扩大业务规模。
- 鼓励银行以新的方式利用其现有能力
- 帮助缩小金融科技与银行之间的数字化差距
- 银行业和金融科技行业的分支机构正在以更快的速度和更高的效率发展。新的支付解决方案、新的身份验证方法(KYC)、更好的反洗钱措施,这些只是其中一些将出现巨大创新和改进的领域。
- 这些公司采用嵌入式金融--类似于非银行提供的银行服务--旨在留住客户,提高他们所谓的终身价值。
- 为了满足日益增长的嵌入式金融需求,金融机构越来越多地提供银行即服务(BaaS)--捆绑式产品,通常是白标或联合品牌服务,非银行可以利用这些产品为客户提供服务。
- 客户期待综合体验。金融科技公司和银行将与各种合作伙伴合作,以满足他们的期望。
- 新的业务模式和收入来源。具有可扩展业务模式和固定 IT 投资(如分销模式)的来源尤其有利。
- 采用技术能力。随着自动化和应用程序接口等数字化进程的加快,金融科技可以更快地扩展 BaaS,让更多考虑嵌入式金融的公司触手可及。
事实证明,比特币和以太坊等加密货币确实具有顽强的生命力。近几个月来,散户和机构投资者对数字货币的兴趣急剧上升。许多急于从 "加密货币热潮 "中获利的早期投资者后来转向了其他投资项目,留下了一小部分坚定的 HODL-er。但我们仍有理由相信,加密货币行业仍有一战之力。
- 近年来,加密货币主导了投资市场。比特币或 Dogecoin 每天都有新闻,马斯克的推文只会让这一领域更受欢迎。
- 机构兴趣增加、ETF 尚待批准以及稳定币的流行等几项新进展表明,积极趋势仍将持续。
- 很多人都想匿名,尤其是在社交媒体时代。加密货币是增加隐私和保护数据安全的机会。
- 加密货币市场在投资方面极具吸引力。储蓄账户的利息不断减少,股票和债券的投资回报率较低,这只会增加对加密货币等另类投资的需求。
- 各国政府正将加密货币置于聚光灯下。中国已经推出了第一种数字货币。
There has been a rise in the demand for new forms of digital payments, which are much more secure and reliable. This has been able to transform payments into an open ecosystem where various parties like FinTechs, banks, payment firms, etc, are trying to evolve the digital payment system by introducing new technologies. The government, on their part, is trying to come up with certain regulations in order to reduce the ecosystem threats.
We were able to notice a massive growth in digital payment transactions in the span of 4 to 5 years, but with the pandemic, the growth was motivated by the need for cashless and contactless payments. Thus, Non-cash transactions are seen to be on a robust growth path.
- COVID-19 强化了支付和零售商务领域的数字化应用趋势,涉及支付类型和人口统计。
- 然而,数字增长的前景并不完全乐观--消费者的信任度略有下降,虽然越来越多的消费者开始使用数字支付,但目前还不清楚最近所有的行为转变是否会被证明是永久性的。
- 全渠道对满足客户期望至关重要.虽然数字支付的渗透率已基本稳定,但全渠道支付的采用却显著增加。
- 网上支付激增.2020 年,美国对非接触式卡的认知度和采用率大约翻了一番。
- 客户不愿使用现金.卡(包括刷卡和非接触式卡)的使用率越来越高,而现金在实体店的使用率却大幅下降。
对于许多希望利用先进业务功能和金融流程的传统贷款公司来说,金融科技技术是一种理想的解决方案。许多金融科技初创企业都希望将其技术平台作为一种服务出售给该领域的企业。这些 FaaS 平台可与传统银行现有的任何后台无缝集成,为非银行提供了一种低成本、快速的方式来推出各种金融产品和服务。
- In the last decade, customer behaviors and expectations have changed dramatically. The way they do shopping, buy food, or use services is moved into digital. However, a lot of banks could not keep up with this change and that’s why Fintech gained a significant portion of the market.
- 金融科技提供创新和用户友好的解决方案,速度更快,成本更低。此外,金融科技还能迅速适应新的市场趋势和挑战。
- 金融科技将成为银行 并试图成为大型银行的直接竞争对手(如 Revolut 或 N26)。
- 银行需要根据当前客户的期望调整服务和产品.因此,银行数字化对于提高市场竞争力至关重要。
- 金融科技与银行的合作将更加频繁 并为客户提供独特的解决方案(如利用开放式银行技术帮助客户的 Tink 初创公司)。
- AI and machine learning are helping in many complicated finance processes. Managing assets, evaluating levels of risk, calculating credit scores, and even approving loans are using algorithms to improve efficiency and increase revenues.
- 由于数据量巨大,金融是一个对机器学习很有吸引力的领域,因为当大量数据输入系统时,机器学习往往能更准确地得出见解和做出预测。
- Better fraud detection and prevention. Machine learning works by scanning through large data sets to detect unique activities or anomalies and flag them for further investigation by security teams.
- Robo-advisors help with portfolio management. Robo-advisors require low account minimums and are usually cheaper than human portfolio managers.
- 改进贷款或提供保险的程序。
Final Thoughts from Ruth Stanat, CEO of SIS International Research
Fintech is moving at warp speed, and if you’re still relying on outdated insights, you’re setting yourself up to lose. Market research isn’t just about tracking trends—it’s about owning the future.
在 SIS 国际研究, we deliver real-time fintech intelligence so our clients don’t just adapt to change
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