Badania rynku w Gambii, Afryka

Badania rynku w Gambii, Afryka

Market Research in Gambia, Africa

The Gambia is on the West Coast of Africa, and its immediate neighbor is Senegal. It is the smallest country on the African mainland. The Gambia River flows right through the center of the country and then into the Atlantic Ocean. The country’s official language is English. But, there are 21 other national languages. These include Mandinka, Arabic, and French. Roughly ten ethnic groups exist in this population.

Kluczowe branże

Agriculture, especially the cultivation of peanuts or groundnuts for local consumption and export, is an important industry. Tourism is also a hot sector in the Gambia. The coastal location provides beautiful beaches. The Gambia is also rich in wildlife and is an attraction for nature lovers and adventurers.

Neighborhoods in the Gambia

Serekunda results from nine villages merging to form one urban community and is the largest of Gambia’s cities. Brikama is another large city. It is the capital of the western division (one of the five main divisions of Gambia). Brikama is famous for its musical talent and the artistic ability of its inhabitants. The city of Banjul is the capital of Gambia. Bakau is to the west of Banjul on the Atlantic coast. Bakau is the second-largest suburb but the most developed city in The Gambia. Banjul is the fourth largest city, but it has the densest population. It is the center of peanut and other food production as well as tourism. There are schools, hospitals, governmental and recreational facilities located in Banjul.


There is no official religion of the Republic of Gambia. But a great majority of Gambians are believers in Islam. Mosques dot the country. Muslim traditions and rites are integral to the Gambia’s culture. It is why so many Gambians can speak the Arabic language. Imams and other officials are fluent in Arabic to carry out services and ceremonies. Gambians observe Muslim holidays. So while the Gambia holds on to their original culture and African history, Islam influences their new culture. There are Christians, most of whom are Roman Catholics, present in the Gambia as well. The country has quite a few Catholic Churches. Holidays such as Easter and Christmas are also observed or respected.

Baza konsumentów

Since The Gambia is a small country, it has a small consumer base. Its size limits opportunities for US businesses, especially franchises. Yet, several Gambian companies have expressed interest in US franchises. US brand names are in high demand, and Gambians tend to associate them with high quality.

Benefits and Strengths of the market

Tourism and agriculture are the drivers of economic growth in the Gambia. The 2014/2015 Ebola crisis and drought in the sub-region caused these sectors to contract, and the COVID-19 pandemic also brought economic challenges to the Gambia. In the meantime, Gambians abroad often send remittances to their family members. These remittances are a significant source of foreign exchange. They aid in the economic empowerment of Gambian citizens.

Why Should You do Business in the Gambia?

The Gambia has the potential to blossom in several industries. It only needs the proper facilities and investors. The Gambian people have shown their love for the arts and entertainment industry, and they also like sports (especially soccer) and fashion. The Gambia can support any industry needed in a developing country. Not only by the natives, but it would encourage tourists who frequent the country. There is a need for fresh faces in the business sector and new avenues for employment. You could be the one to provide the needed facilities and training to this emerging nation.

About Market Research in the Gambia

If you would like to do business in the Gambia, let us help. We organize focus Groups in the different African markets. We do Ilościowy, Jakościowy, I Badania strategiczne for you. At SIS, we compile loads of information and findings that are relevant to you. We hope this helps you with your decision to do business in The Gambia.

Zdjęcie autora

Ruth Stanat

Założycielka i CEO SIS International Research & Strategy. Posiada ponad 40-letnie doświadczenie w planowaniu strategicznym i globalnym wywiadzie rynkowym, jest zaufanym globalnym liderem w pomaganiu organizacjom w osiąganiu międzynarodowego sukcesu.

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